Privacy Policy

Updated September 22nd, 2023

Stage Portal Privacy Policy

In general, you may visit this Site without telling us who you are or revealing any personally identifiable information about yourself. Our servers collect the domain names, operating system in use (e.g., Macintosh, Windows) and browser (e.g. Safari, Internet Explorer). This information is aggregated to measure the number of visits, average time spent on the Site, pages viewed etc. We use this information to measure the use of our Site and to improve its content.

This is the privacy policy of Wratten Enterprises Limited site, which shall include, without limitation, the home page, splash page, and all other pages under the same top level domain name, and all content thereon (the "Site") as provided by Wratten Enterprises Limited, ("Guernsey" or "we").

Fair Processing Notice

Wratten Enterprises Limited (‘the controller’) operates providing the Stage Portal Platform, Data processing activity is therefore in relation to this service.


The registered address of Wratten Enterprises Limited is, Melrose, Route De Pleinmont, Torteval, Guernsey, GY8 0PG.

1. The Data Protection Law

The controller acknowledges its obligations as per the data protection law, which provides a number of requirements in terms of processing activities involving personal data. The controller further acknowledges the general principles of processing as well as the rights of a data subject and more information in relation to these provisions are provided within this fair processing notice.

2. The Principles of Processing

Lawfulness, fairness and transparency

Personal data must be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner.


The processing activities undertaken within Wratten Enterprises Limited are for the purpose of providing the Stage Portal Platform. 


Wratten Enterprises Limited may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data which is detailed as follows:  


Identity data includes first name, last name  – This data is provided by the data subject, the authorised representative of the data subject and processed to enable the subject to access the Stage Portal Platform. 


Financial data includes bank account data – this data is provided by the data subject and processed to administer payments.  


Contact data includes billing address, email address and telephone numbers – this data is provided by the data subject, or their authorised representative, and processed to ensure that the service is provided correctly. 


Wratten Enterprises Limited will share financial data with a third party where:  


It is necessary to perform a contract, such as provide bank account information to maintain a Direct Debit agreement. 

Purpose limitation

Personal data must not be collected except for a specific, explicit and legitimate purpose and, once collected, must not be further processed in a manner incompatible with the purpose for which it was collected.


The controller acknowledges its responsibility with regards to this data protection principle and therefore the controller maintains that it will not further process that personal data in a way which is incompatible to its original reason for processing as specified in section 2a, unless the controller is required to do so by law. The personal data will not be transferred to a recipient in an authorised or an unauthorised jurisdiction (as per the definition within data protection law). 


Personal data processed must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purpose for which it is processed.


The controller maintains that it will only process the personal data which is detailed in section 2a, and will not process any further personal data that is not necessary in relation to the original reason for processing personal data as specified in section 2a, unless the controller is required to do so by law.


Personal data processed must be accurate, kept up-to-date (where applicable) and reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that personal data that is inaccurate is erased or corrected without delay.


The controller will ensure that all personal data that it holds is accurate and kept up-to-date, and any personal data that is inaccurate will be erased or corrected without delay. 

Storage limitation

Personal data must not be kept in a form that permits identification of a data subject for any longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it is processed.


Wratten Enterprises Limited will retain personal data as follows: 


Identity and contact data will be retained for the purpose of providing the Stage Portal platform. 


Financial data will be retained for as long as is necessary to complete an individuals’ payment liabilities.

Integrity and confidentiality

Personal data must be processed in a manner that ensures its appropriate security, including protecting it against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures.


Personal data is held in electronic formats. Electronic data is held on Google Drive and Azure. 


Information Access - access to electronic records is tightly controlled. Employees are vetted in a manner commensurate with the role that they are expected to undertake. Protocols are followed to ensure that employees only have access to areas and documents as required to undertake their role. Access is monitored and effectively managed. 


Information Security - Wratten Enterprises Limited adopts high levels of information security standards.


The controller is responsible for, and must be able to demonstrate, compliance with the data protection principles.

3. Contact Details

The contact details of the controller and Date Protection Officer of Wratten Enterprises are as follows:


Ben Wratten



For information on your rights as a data subject under the Data Protection (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2017, please go to the following link:

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